5 things I did the last week

 Good morning everyone I hope you are well, it's been a week since I've written and it's cuz I've been on a week's break from the college and I´d like to tell you what I did in that week.

1)Work 😢

Saddly I stilled working in the creation of a order of a subject of the college, I was a total week drawing and cuting in papier-mâché. I sadden cuz that week was for take a break from the college but I couldn´t run away from its responsibilities but thanks to my dad who helped me I didn't have to work so hard.


Finally I  finished the Korean Drama I was watching with my mom, the name of this serie is King the Land and the end was very cute and happy and make me increase my expectations in love thanks to the main character Goo Won. I watched this serie for a week and I was able to finish it with my mom on Saturday. 


I started to play Valorant which is free-to-play multiplayer first person hero shooter. I was playing alone cuz most of my friends don't play this shooter game, I was happy playing this video game cuz all streamers I see have played this game and I didn't have a good PC to play but now I have it and I can play :D


I went from sleeping 3-4 hours a week for college to sleeping up to 11 hours a week, I loved going to sleep without worrying about waking up early to catch the bus on time.


I celebrated Fiestas Patrias the day 18 and 19, being honest I eated a lot of food and drinked an uncountable amount of mote con huesillo and temblorcito (terremoto for who want no drink alchol). Also I played typical games with the family of my mother and I danced cueca with my cousin


  1. i want to watch ¨King The Land¨ i saw a lot of cute reviews and i love kdramas too<3


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