Englisht the best language!!!! (after Spanish)

 Good morning my dudes here is Kamy one more time!

Today I´ll speak about the language I use when I write the blog: English. When I was a kid like 4 years old I played with a Play 2 of my old brothers, so as I  couldn't read yet I didn´t know how change the languages of my games hahaha so I had to play with the English dialogues. After years when I was 12 my Teacher of english she showed us a song called Never Be Alone of Shawn Mendes, since that day I wanted learn english for undertand the lyrics of the other Shawn´s songs. 

I found complicated the verb tenses of english like past, present and future cuz there so many diferents ways of conjugation that end up making me dizzy. For practice out of class I watch series in english with the subtitles in the same language, I  have seen amphibia, steven universe, bluey and the owl house. A point extra Bluey helped me a lot with the British pronunciation. 

In my current English lessons I enjoy the way of the teacher teaches us the language, he makes us form pairs to talk to each other in English, he makes us do fun interactive activities like word searches, connect the words and write posts in English, not like other teachers who just play a boring CD with the typical radio of a school English teacher.

I think English will be useful in the future, English is the main common language with the people of the world.

The aspect of English culture I like is the Celtic mitology, I feel inspired every day to create my own creatures, stories and characters thanks to its rich culture. 


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