Puerto Aysen and Bahía Acantilada

Good morning mates today I´ll talk about a nice place I visited the last summer and I think it´s a wonderful place I´d want back again

Puerto Aysen is a city located in the Aysen Region (South of Chile) and is close to Coyhaique. I got with this nice location cuz with my mom we visited to my old brother who´s living in Coyhaique for job, he wanted to show us some beautiful places in Coyaique, as my mother and I have never been to that city or its surroundings. 

We got up early to visit several places in a long drive, first we visited the virgin waterfall and after a few hours we went to Puerto Aysen. On the way I could see a lot of vegetation and mountains, as well as many tender animals grazing such as sheep, cows, horses and chickens. 

When we arrived in Bahia Acantilada I felt a magical sensation throughout my body. This place is a beach which is funny because when I went there I thought it was a lake. I enjoyed a lot visit this magical place cuz I listened to music when I was there and I felt like I was in a fantasy book.


  1. The south of Chile has that magical sensantion, its incredible how the nature affects on humans.


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