Goodbye kids 馃挃

Today is my last post and I´m sad  cuz I enjoyed writte posts for you guys and saddly all have a end but dont´be sad cuz today's post will be special.

Talking about subjects I enjoyed a lot computational tools cuz the proffesor Sebastian Pagueguy is the only animator and designer of the FAU, he taught us new programs of design like After Effects what is a video editor and Maya, the programm that Pixar studios uses for its movies.  Also Pagueguy is a nice person and is always concerned that you learn and have no doubts.

I foun complicated Process and Prototypes II, this subject was hard for me cuz I´m not industrial and the proffesor taught us things like made wood ensammbles, a box cube and like a final test a lamp. I hate design industrial and also this subject it gave me tendonitis, not cool.  

My best moment of the semester was when I made a video montage of pugs, I love pugs and making it was so funny and fun, the professor laughed a lot at my video.

The best grade I got was a 6.2 and the worst was a 4.6, last semester I got a lot of 6's and this semester I felt like I went downhill but hey I didn't fail any subjects.

I enjoy working with Valentina on Mondays in English, our conversations are always relaxed and we understand each other when someone of us get stuck.

This semester was very hard, computer tools and English made it more bearable, that's the only thing I can rescue from this semester. For the next semester I hope to choose good teachers and dedicate myself more to graphic design.

That´s all guys, it was a honor write for you and maybe we´ll see you again in next time, I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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