Mylodon Cave

Good morning people here is Kamy for speak about a new theme wich is a chilean lankmark called Mylodon Cave.

The Milodon Cave is located in the Torres del Paine National Park, I went from Puerto Natales and it took me around  3h and 15m to arrive. I went in July of 2019 when it was  the middle of winter, I visited it this place with all my family exept my old brother who in that moment he was in Spain, I went with my dad, mom and my middle brother. I remember I was sad cuz I wasn´t go with my pets, they are so special to me and I felt sorry to leave them for 3 days (few days I know). 

I took with my family a tour in Punta Arenas for go to Torres del Paine, when we arrived at the cave we did a 30 minute walk around the cave and the turistic guide tell us the story of the local fauna, fossils and specifically the mylodon story. Since I was a kid I felt attracted  to the history of ancient animals, a fan of dinosaurs and giant mammals such as the mylodon. I really liked this place because it made me feel that a mylodon lived there many years ago, the cave is very giant so I was surprised about the size of the animal that lived in the past. 

What makes the milodon cave special is its antiquity, this cave was once covered by the sea and that explains its shape, the amount of fossils that have been found is great and every year many tourists come to visit it.


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