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Goodbye kids 馃挃

Today is my last post and I´m sad  cuz I enjoyed writte posts for you guys and saddly all have a end but dont´be sad cuz today's post will be special. Talking about subjects I enjoyed a lot computational tools cuz the proffesor Sebastian Pagueguy is the only animator and designer of the FAU, he taught us new programs of design like After Effects what is a video editor and Maya, the programm that Pixar studios uses for its movies.  Also Pagueguy is a nice person and is always concerned that you learn and have no doubts. I foun complicated Process and Prototypes II, this subject was hard for me cuz I´m not industrial and the proffesor taught us things like made wood ensammbles, a box cube and like a final test a lamp. I hate design industrial and also this subject it gave me tendonitis, not cool.   My best moment of the semester was when I made a video montage of pugs, I love pugs and making it was so funny and fun, the professor laughed a lot at my video. The best grade I got was a

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Rubius: A streamer I follow on Social Media

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Mylodon Cave

Puerto Aysen and Bah铆a Acantilada

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Englisht the best language!!!! (after Spanish)

True Colors // Book recomendation


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